Tuesday, August 31, 2010


This is to all of the girls in cottage number TWO!,
You all have the potential to get out of here and i belive that one day you all will make a difference in soemones life no matter how small it might be. I tknow that you might get you hopes down sometimes but you've all got better things to do than sitt around in placement all day. I love you all and i will miss you all as well. I hope for so much better than where ya'll are all at right now. On behalf of Ivalee K. I wish you all the best of luch and good-bye.


Been there done that messed around,
I'm having fun don't put me down
I'll never let you
sweep me off my feet.

I won't let you in again,
The messages I've tried to send,
My information's just not going in.

Burning bridges shore to shore,
I'll break away from something more
I'm not to not to love
until it's cheap.

Been there done that messed around
I'm having fun don't put me down,
I'll never let you
sweep me off my feet.

This time baby I'll be bulletproof,
This time baby I'll be bulletproof.

I won't let you turn around
And tell me now I'm much too proud
To walk away from something
when it's dead.

Do do do your dirty words
Come out to play when you are heard
There's certain things
that should be left unsaid.

Tick tick tick tick on the watch
And life's too short for me to stop
Oh baby, your time is running out.

I won't let you turn around
And tell me now I'm much too proud
All you do
is fill me up with doubt.

This time baby I'll be bulletproof,
This time baby I'll be bulletproof.
This time baby I'll be bulletproof,
This time baby I'll be bulletproof.

This time I'll be bulletproof
This time I'll be bulletproof
This time I'll be bulletproof


This time baby I'll be bulletproof,
This time baby I'll be bulletproof.
This time baby I'll be bulletproof,
This time baby I'll be bulletproof.

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Statistics calculators

I've come across a useful website which has some free to use statistics calculators. These are very powerful tools. I've added a link to the recommended pages from this site (the link is also included at the end of this post).

These are the different types of calculators available:


The website link is: Statistics calculators

Posted by: Tim Sandle

z test calculator

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Angle Shooting - Correcting for the effects of gravity

Angle Shooting - Correcting for the effects of gravity
By Ward W. Brien

There is a physical ballistic problem encountered when shooting on angles that causes the bullets point of impact to hit high. Shooting on angles is what every hunter experiences while hunting in mountainous terrain. Sheep hunters and deer hunters alike know all to well, that if their target is up or down on an angle, that they must aim low because the bullet will impact high. The reason for this has to do with gravity and the adjusted site height above the bore of the barrel.

When we zero in our rifle at 100 yards, we are shooting on a flat plane with the full force of gravity pushing down on the bullet. In order to zero properly and get the bullet to strike the bulls-eye, we need to adjust the sight height above the! bore of the barrel for this particular condition, (shooting on a flat plane) so that when the bullet leaves the bore of the barrel it arcs up into the full force of gravity, and then drops down onto the bulls-eye.

However, when we shoot on an incline or decline (up or down on an angle) the force and effect of gravity is less on the bullet; but the sight height above the bore of the barrel remains the same, or adjusted for shooting on a flat plane.

Because of this, the bullet will have a flatter trajectory and strike the target higher than where our intended point of aim was. It is imperative that when we are shooting up or down on an angle that we eliminate the guesswork, and correct the straight line distance to the target or “sloped distance,” to the, corrected for gravity, distance to target.

Now, this is an easy adjustment; a simple equation that will put you very close to right on target. However there are three ways to obt! ain this and one is more accurate than the other.

T! he first method is called the field expedient “Rifleman” method. As an example, when a surveyor is shooting a mountain top for mapping purposes, he uses an instrument called a theodolite. The theodolite tells the surveyor the angle of his aim. His/her goal is to obtain the base of the triangle distance, or flat line distance. Hence, simple geometry comes into play. The surveyor notes the angle that he is holding at, then goes to his data book and obtains a cosine number of that angle, which he then multiplies to the sloped distance.

Here you can see the sloped distance to target equals 500 yards and the angle that the hunter is holding on is 30 degrees (cosine number of .87). To obtain the bottom leg of the triangle, you would multiply the cosine number of .87 to the 500 yards. (.87 X 500 yds. = 435 yds.) Th! is gives you the corrected distance as if you were shooting on a flat plane, with the full force of gravity affecting the bullets path of flight.

Below, referencing a .300 Remington Ultra Mag, utilizing a flat shooting 180 grain Nosler Partition bullet, with a velocity of 3250 feet per second, the uncorrected for gravity distance of 500 yards to target would cause the bullet’s point of impact (under the field expedient method) to hit approximately 13.2 inches high; or 1.75 minute of angle. Please see the Night Force ballistic Targeting Software Generated Angle Drop chart below.

To the average hunter, these trajectories, at first, may not appear to be significant, but as an experienced shooter you know that they are; and the angle that you will be holding on demands a correction. As an example, let’s say that your rifle shoots an average group size ! of one inch at 100 yards (large for a pro-grade rifle). At thr! ee hundr ed yards the group size could hypothetically open to three inches; at five hundred yards, five inches. So, if you are going to be thirteen inches high at 500 yards if uncorrected for gravity, then you can add an additional five inches to that, in any direction. This is not difficult to see; math is math and science is science and when the math is done correctly, one round will put one animal down.

Figure 3 – Angle Drop Table for the 300 Rem Ultra Mag

The U.S. Military as well as other Government agencies, train all of their Precision Marksmen on how to obtain the corrected for gravity distance to target. The original method of approach was to utilize a Protractor, string and paper-clip. The string was tied to the center of the protractor and weighted with the paper-clip. When the Marksman was aiming at his target, the protractor was held in place with the weighted! string along the side of the receiver inline with the barrel. The Marksmen would then carefully grab the protractor and string, and obtain the angle that he was holding on. Then, the Marksman would go to his data book and obtain the cosine number, then do the math; very simple and very straight forward. Only today there is an easier, faster and more dependable method of obtaining the cosine number; and that is by using an “Angle Cosine Indicator” manufactured by “Sniper Tools Design Company.”

The Angle Cosine Indicator, (ACI), is a widely excepted method of obtaining the cosine number of the angle that the hunter is holding on, by all Branches of the U.S. Military and militaries throughout the world. It is a simple tool for hunters who hunt in mountainous terrain and is a vault solid precision in! strument. It is manufactured from aircraft grade aluminum and ! anodized a flat black color. It fastens onto your rifle or your scope; either by a standard Weaver Base scope ring, or as seen in figure 4, by “Badger Ordnance’s” military specific picantinny rail mount. When the rifle is held on target, the “ACI” indicates the cosine number of that angle by means of a highly visible index mark; in addition, the cosine numbers transverse the body in five degree increments. The ACI is easily zeroed to your rifles bore by simply loosening the side screw and rotating the body until the zero cosine number sits inline of the index mark.

To install the Angle Cosine Indicator you will first need to decide on your method of mounting; either a Weaver base scope ring or a Badger Ordnance’s Picantinny rail mount. Once that is decided, you will level the bore of your barrel by placing a spirit bubble level on the inside rail of your receiver, which is where your bolt lugs ride on. Once the bore is level, install an! d zero the ACI, insuring that it is indeed level with the bore of the barrel and the zero cosine number is sitting ontop of the index mark. Once that is accomplished, you are ready to hunt. The following is the procedure for utilizing the ACI while in the field.

1) You spot your target. 2) Range / obtain the distance to your target by either utilizing a laser range finder or a ranging reticle. 3) Aim at your target and then look off to the side of your rifle at the Angle Cosine Indicator and obtain the indicated Cosine number. 4) Multiply the cosine number to the distance to your target, which will give you a corrected for gravity distance.

For example, 500 yards X .7 (45 degrees) = 350 yards. Now, look at your data card to obtain your hold for the 350 yard target distance, and adjust your turrets as specified. However, this is the least accurate method of the three.

2) In the second method of obtaining the corrected for gravity distance to ! target, the ACI still plays its role, however the cosine numbe! r is mul tiplied to the hold data from your “data card.” When I instruct angle shooting to my Students, I teach how to utilize Night Force Ballistic Targeting Software which is loaded onto a Pocket PC, to manufacture a data card. The procedure is as follows:

1. Utilizing a Kestrel hand held weather station, obtain the temperature, barometric pressure and humidity.
2. Input this data into the data entry points of the software.
3. Pick the “Drop Table” button.

There is a little bit more to this than what I have mentioned, however this procedure produces an electronic data card with distances in one, five, ten, twenty, twenty-five and fifty yard or meter increments; your choice. I then have the Students copy this data card over to small “write in the rain” notebook paper. Then, place the Pocket PC back into their pack and either tape the card to their stock or place it in their jersey pocket. While in the field and afte! r obtaining the distance to target, the data card is reviewed, and the cosine number is multiplied directly to the hold, as depicted on the data card. This method is more accurate than the “Rifleman” method and is called the “Improved Rifleman” method. Looking above at Figure 3, if the target is at 500 yards, the hold for that distance is 7 moa. If you were aiming at a 45 degree angle, the cosine would be .7 and the calculation would be as follows: .7 X 7moa = 4.9 moa.

However the most accurate method is to input your meteorological data, (temperature, barometric pressure and humidity) directly into the “Night Force” ballistic targeting software. This is because the software takes into account the fact that the bullet has its own unique velocity, ballistic coefficient, time of flight, and deceleration curve. Utilizing this software can be as much as eight minute of angle more accurate then the Rifleman method and eliminates the! guessing game once associated with angle shooting.

Ward Brien is a US Army Veteran, Owner of Sniper Tools Design Co., LLC and the Inventor of the "Angle Co-Sine Indicator," which is sold and under contract to different branches of the US Military, British Military and others.

Located in the top of the Colorado Rockies, Ward also instructs a specialized three day Precision Shooting 1 course to Hunters and Tactical Precision Shooting to the Military and other Government Agencies.

transverse angles

Math online tutoring

i used to be a Math whiz when i was young. seriously, i was an excellent student in Math. i often competed in inter-school quiz bees as our school's representative. my parents were very pleased because they didn't need to hire a tutor for me. most students my age then had difficulty understanding the lessons in Math, and i do recall having to teach my classmates in their assignments. it was harder for students back then to actually get the help they need in comprehending the lessons.

good thing K-12 students can now get online tutoring so their lives will be a lot better when dealing with the much-dreaded subject. 5th grade Math has become easier, and so is 4th grade Math. 5th grade Math may be tougher than it looks, but with the proper online tutoring tool, students can excel in this subject, too. before they know it, adding fractions will just be a piece of cake.

online tutoring is not only great for 4th and 5th graders, but also for K-12 students who take up Algebra 2. yes, a lot of people may find Algebra 2 difficult but good thing help is now available to those who find it challenging. i know formula for volume and graphing linear equations can seem daunting, but there is hope now that online tutoring is within one's fingertips.

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Evolve Reach Admission Assessment Exam Review Review

For anyone looking for this book and a CD to come with it - I have been in touch with the publisher, and this book does not contain a CD. Whoever put up a review that the CD was helpful - could have been talking about another book. I wanted to let you know because I have been through a lot looking for a book with a CD and it does not exist :(

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How Much Factoring In 1st Year Algebra?

Math Notations 3rd Birthday- Thank You!

The American Diploma Project is and will be impacting on what is being taught in both Algebra I and II in the 15 states who have joined the ADP Consortium. The classic flow from Standards to Assessments to Course Content is leading to the type of content standardization in our schools which I envisioned decades ago. A natural part of this process is deciding what topics in our traditional courses need to be deemphasized or eliminated to allow more time for the study of linear and non-linear function models, one of the central themes of the new Algebra standards.This leads to curriculum questions like...

How much time should be spent on factoring quadratic trinomials in Algebra I?

My assumption is that factoring ax2+bx+c where a ≠ 1 is still taught in Algebra I. Please challenge that assumption if wrong! If we also assume there is sufficient justification for teaching this, then we move on to the issue of how much time should be devoted to instruction. Two days? More? Time for assessment?

Here are some arguments pro and con...


(1) It is required by the ADP Standards (see below).

(2) Learning only simple trinomial factoring of the form x2+bx+c is not sufficient for solving more complex application problems.

(3) The various algorithms, such as the "ac-method", which have been developed for factoring quadratic trinomials, are of value in their own right; further, the "ac-method" introduces or reinforces the important idea of factoring by grouping.

(4) Students gain technical proficiency by tackling more complicated trinomials.

(5) Students should be given the option of more than one method, not just the quadratic formula.


(1) The AP Calculus exam generally avoids messy quadratics in their problems. If such occur, students normally go directly to the Quadratic Formula.

(2) The SATs generally avoid asking students to factor such quadratics directly, particularly since it is easy to "beat the question" by working backwards from the choices. Instead, they ask the student to demonstrate an understanding of the process.

Here's a typical question they might ask:

If 6x2 + bx + 6 = (3x + m)(nx + 3) for all values of x, what is the value of b?

(3)The ADP standards for Algebra I do include this topic but it does not appear to be stressed. The following are taken from the ADP Algebra I standards and practice test:

(3) Do other nations teach our traditional methods of factoring or are students told to go directly to the quadratic formula?

(4) Current Alg I texts seem to have deemphasized factoring in general and some have moved this topic to later in the book.

So I am opening the floor for your input here!

(a) How much time is spent on factoring quadratic trinomials in Algebra I in your school?
(b) Do you teach the "ac-method"? If yes, do you motivate it or teach it mechanically?
(c) Do you believe factoring quadratic trinomials is essential or should it be deemphasized?

By the way, here is an example of the ac-method:

Factor completely over the integers:   6x2 + 13x + 6

Step 1: Find a pair of factors of ac = (6)(6) = 36 which sum to b = 13.
Hopefully, students think of 9 and 4 without a calculator!

Step 2:  Rewrite the middle term 13x as 9x + 4x (works in either order)
Then 6x2 + 13x + 6  =   6x2 + 9x + 4x + 6

Step 3: Group in pairs and factor out greatest common monomial factor from each pair:
3x(2x + 3) + 2(2x + 3)

Step 4: Factor out the common binomial factor 2x + 3:
(2x + 3) (3x + 2)

Step 5: Check carefully by distributing.

Here is a "proof" of this method (some details omitted like the meaning of h and k):

factoring quadratic trinomials calculator

What is Multiplication?

Can be a tricky question, this.

Primary schoolchildren are taught that it is repeated addition, which makes a lot of sense.

4 x 4 =

4 + 4 + 4 + 4 =


Four lots of four/groups of/sets of.

But multiplication is also a scaling quantity. It ratchets things up massively quickly. If you type 2x2 into your calculator, then keep multiplying every answer by 2, the calculator will quickly run out of digits. To compare this with addition misses the point that multiplication is the centre of all geometric operations.

It does through the squaring and cubing and so on effect. If you take four centimetres, and for each of these four, you add another four, you get 4 x 4. It is known as squaring because the Greeks used to see it geometrically as the way to find the area of a square. For each centimetre across, there are four up (and vice versa).

x2 is a powerful, recurring idea, which has ! its role in pretty much the entire universe. (E = mc2)

It's also worth noting the effect of multiplication by a fractional quantity.

4 x 1/4 will obviously increase the fraction, but it will have a decreasing effect on the whole number. Unlike multiplication by two whole numbers, where the answer is greater than either, in this operation, the answer will always be smaller than one of the inputted values.

factor theorem calculator

what is a quadrilateral

what is a quadrilateral

Introduction about learning quadrilaterals:A flat shape with four sides. A quadrilateral is a polygon with four 'side' or edges and four vertices's or corners. The sum of its four angles equals 360 degree. In this article we can learn properties of all quadrilateral.Types of quadrilaterals:

define quadrilaterals

Printable TAKS Tests Math Reading, Science, Social Studies All Grades

All years, all grades, both English and Spanish, with answer keys.

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Free Vectors: Grunge Vector Backgrounds

In latest Vectorportal update we published several grunge vector backgrounds. These vectors were created with grunges from Vectorportal's Design Kit and wonderful floral elements from Vector Lady. This is just another example of what can be done when you mix design elements from Vectorportal and freebies from other resources on the Internet. You can create first class stock vector images and use them for various creative projects.

I advise you to download more free grunge vectors and design elements and try creating something yourself. If you do, send me an email and I will gladly publish it here and on Vectorportal.

Here I give you taste of our latest vector update with 4 grunge vectors in Letter size.

Download Vector Grunges (EPS File, Zipped, 5.7 MB)

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vector of vectors

Polynomial Division: Long and Synthetic

Rather than explaining in lots of detail how to divide polynomials either using the long method or the synthetic method, I am sending my students to the following site. This PowerPoint is very brief, but it is very informative and shows every step of each process. Once the presentation is open, just press F5 to begin the slide show. A space bar or enter will move the slide show forward. The backspace key will back up if you need to see something again.

Standard form algebra

How to Graphing Inequalities in the Coordinate Plane.

  • Graph inequalities in a xy coordinate graph.


  • Ability to graph a line using the slope-intercept form (y = mx + b)


  • The shaded area of a graph represents all of the coordinates that will work in a given equation.
  • A solid edge of the shaded area means that the e! dge is part of the solutions to the equation.
  • A dashed edge of the shaded area means that the edge of the graph is not part of the solutions.


Graph the equation

Step 1: Draw the graph just as you would y = x . This equations in slope intercept form would look like this . The 0 means that you will go through the origin, place a point there. Now use the slope to draw the rest of t! he line. From the origin go up one and to the right one and pl! ace anot her point. Repeat until you have several points.

Now draw a solid line because the equation to be graphed is greater than or equal to. Your graph should now look like this:

Step 2: Next shade everywhere above the line because the equation states that the y values are greater than or equal to the line for any given x value.

Now check your answer by inserting a couple of points from the shaded area and non-shaded area.


Does the point ( 1, 2) work in the equation? yes

Does the point ( -1, 0) work in the equation? yes


Does the point ( 1, 0) work in the equation? no

Does the point ( 2, 1) work in the e! quation? no

Lets try another one.

Graph graph y > 2x + 3

Remember the steps: plot some points, draw the line (solid if equal to, dashed if greater than or less than), shade above with greater than, shade below with less than.

The line will cross the y axis as 3 then go up 2 and over 1 for the slope. Start by placing a point at 3 on the y axis. Next use the slope to place 2 more dots, then make a dashed line through the dots.

The equation uses the greater than inequality so it should be shaded above the line.

Now that we have the common ones out of the way lets look at the ones that may trip you up such as the ones with only one variable like y > 2 and x < -3.

Graph y > 2

Remember that is just a horizontal line. This is just a horizontal line that is shaded above the line and dashed because it is not equal to the line it is only greater than the line.

Graph x < -3

Remember that is just a vertical line. This is just a vertical line that is shaded to the left of the line and dashed because it is not equal to the line it is only less than the line. The x values on the left are less than the line.

Things to remember when graphing inequalities:

Solid line and shaded above the line.

Solid line and shaded below the line

> Dashed line and shaded above the line

y > # Horizontal line and shaded above the line

y < # Horizontal line and shaded below the line

x > # Vertical line and shaded on the right side of the line

x < # Vertical line and shaded on the left side of the line.

graphing inequalities

Week of May 12

Seventh Grade:
Monday- HW - Grammar - page 312-315. Review Spelling Chapter 21 of Spelling (definitions). Practice State Abbreviations.
Tuesday - Review


Finish Unit 9 of Grammar -page 316-317

Practice State Abbreviations and Spelling words from Chapter 21 and 22 - Boys vs. Girls

10th Grade:
Read Chapters 11-13 of A Separate Peace
Worksheets/ Study Guide was handed out today.

Wednesday: Work on Study Guide for A Separate Peace. If more work is needed, assign all the questions at the end of Chapter 13 (in literature book)

11th Grade:
Finish reading and review moby dick

Study Guide for Moby Dick is due at the end of class. If more work is needed, hand out the review and response worksheets that are stapled together.

Study Guide for Moby Dick

12th Grade:Finish reading and review A Rime of the Ancient Mariner

Work and Complete the Study Guide for A Rime of the Ancient Mariner

10th grade spelling words

Special Angles in Trigonometry - Part 2 (Similar Triangles)

This post will hopefully clarify how to work with special triangles when the sides are not the standard lengths (as I described in the original post for Special Angles).

Maybe this would be a good time to describe similar triangles. similar triangles are triangles that have different side lengths, but have the same angles. Don't let the fancy name fool you... just think of them as smaller or larger versions of the same triangle. Examine this picture:

If you were to cut out all the triangles, and shrink or enlarge them, you would see that they all would fit on top of each other. This is possible because each triangle has the same angles, despite having different side lengths. When triangles are like this, they are said to be SIMILAR.

Now, to apply this to my previous post explaining the special angles in trigonometry. I explained how to derive the trig functions using the simplest triangles. However, in all likelihood, you will find triangles of different sizes, rather than these same simple triangles. You need only remember the rules of SOHCAHTOA to be able to evaulate the trig functions.

For example:

Take a right angle triangle with an angle of 30 degrees, and you know that the short side is a length of, say, 5. (Try to sketch this out... being able to draw a triangle from a d! escription is important to learn as well!) There are a few str! ategies you could use here to solve the other 2 sides and last angle.

1) You know that all the angles in a triangle sum up to 180 degrees. So, 180-90-30 = 60!

2) You can apply the rules of SOHCAHTOA to determine either one of both of the unknown sides. In this case, you have the 30 degree angle known, and the short side is opposite this angle. So, you can use the Sine function to determine the length of the hypotenuse (try it! how do you solve Sin(30). Once you have the hypotenuse figured out you can then turn around and use it to to solve the Cosine function... OR you could just use the Theorem of Pythagoras, since it is a right-angle triangle.

3) Remember that you could also use either the Sine Law or Cosine Law in there as well (especially on triangles that are NOT right-angle triangles)... Sine Law works whenever you know an angle and it's opposite side, and then ! either of an angle or a side to complete the identity. Or the Cosine Law will work when you know 2 sides and the angle between those 2 sides.

Hopefully this quick post addresses some concerns that some of you may have had. Sorry about any confusion or lack of clarity in the first post. As always, please continue to drop me a line if you have any questions, concerns, or topics you would like me to cover!

**EDIT** - My apologies... as pointed out in the comment section, triangles as I have discussed in this post are in fact called SIMILAR, and not CONGRUENT (I have edited the post to reflect this). similar triangles are triangles with the same angles but can have differing side lengths. Congruent triangles, on the other hand, have the same angles AND sides. This means they look either the exact same, or are a mirror image of the original! . Sorry for the confusion, and thanks to the astute reader who! picked out my error. :)

similar triangles

HOMEWORK 1: Ratio and Proportion

Mathematics (Mathayom 2)

Click which set you belong to download your homework. Copy them in your notebook and then answer. Follow the example below:

Click for SET A                     Click for SET B
Click for SET C                     Click for SET D
Click for SET E                     Click for SET F

Ratio and Proportion

Exploring Similar Triangles as an Extension of Radical Expressions

Home Nugget #4
Assigned on Friday May 14, 2010
Due on Monday May 17, 2010

In Algebra I text,

Read lesson 10-6 on similar triangles for comprehension. Then, solve:

Page 563 # 7 - 21 odd, 22

Page 564 # 23 - 30


For lessons 10-4 and 10-5, I came up with Prime Time Problem (PTP) questions to determine not just whether you investigated each lesson, but whether you developed a deep understanding. Let's turn the tables. This weekend, I'd like you to:
1. Develop
2. Write out
3. Answer

five questions that are grounded in lesson 10-6 and are of the same caliber as the questions I designed for you. Those of you who take good class notes will be able to refer back to the questions I am referencing from lesson 10-4 and 10-5.

Radical Equations and Solving Radical Expressions

Algebra 20.0 (simplifying radicals in the quadratic formula)

Solve quadratics using the ! quadratic formula.  Reduce final answer by simplifying the radical

simplifying radicals

Statistics Question on Probability?

The employees of a company were surveyed on questions regarding their educational background and marital status. Of the 600 employees, 400 had college degrees, 100 were single, and 60 were single college graduates. The probability that an employee of the company is single or has a college degree is: The answer is .733 How the hell do you come up with that??? I have a feeling the answer is right in front of me...please help

Statistics Question on Probability?
400 employees have college degrees. Of these, 60 are single. That leaves 40 employees who are single but don't have a college degree. So there are 440 employees that have a college degree and / or are single.

440 / 600 = .733
Reply:the 60 single college graduates is included in the 400 that had college degrees.

So you don't want to count those agai! n, so you have to subtract them out of the sum of the number who have college degrees and the number who are single (since you're counting them twice)

400 + 100 - 60

500 - 60


440/600 = .7333
Reply:For any two events A and B

P( A OR B ) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A AND B)

in this case we have

P( single OR college)

= P(single) + P(college) - P(single AND college)

= 100/600 + 400/600 - 60/600

= 0.7333333
Reply:A= Had a degree

B = Single

P(A or B) = P(A)+P(B)-P(A %26amp; B)


440/600 = 0.7333
Reply:i got .766

but i did 60/600 + 400/600

probability question